Ross Evans Games


          One of my favorite ways of learning a new programming language is by making a tetris clone. I wanted to learn how Unity works, so I decided to try out making Tetris in 3D. Though I realize a 3D Tetris game isn't a new concept, all the other versions I've played had controls that made no sense, and bad camera angles that restricted the gameplay experience. My version includes ways to rotate the camera, as well as two different game modes for adjusting difficulty settings. My version isn't perfect either, there are a few design flaws, but I'm very happy with the product for a month of work.


(Click to open in new tab)


"Cool expansion of a classic formula."

- Thomas Wagner

"The game controls suprisingly well, and the music goes along with it nicely!"

- Jael Clark

"I've imagined that certain 2D games would work well with an extra dimension, (ex Pong) but I saw Tetris as something that wouldn't qualify as much. Good job, I've been proved wrong."

- Ethan Whittle


Move piece on board: Arrow keys
Rotate piece on x axis : A/D
Rotate piece on y axis: W/S
Rotate piece on Z axis: Q/E
Drop: Space
Soft Drop: X
Hold: Tab
Camera Left: Left shift
Camera Right: Right shift
All controls are customizable inside of the launcher menu.




Ross Evans - Programmer/Designer
TheSeek - Art/Music